Eloge de la Douceur dans la Course et dans la Vie

Eloge de la Douceur

dans la Course et dans la Vie

Soyez gentils avec vous et avec les autres

La vie est assez dure comme ça pour en rajouter une couche. Je vous propose donc une philosophie de construction de soi, basée sur une approche DOUCE de la course à pied, afin d’être plus fort, plus joyeux et en meilleure santé. Ensuite, vous pourrez transposer cet “hédonisme ascétique” dans d’autres domaines de votre vie afin de contribuer humblement à rendre ce monde meilleur.

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A meal in itself

This magical breakfast brings you all you need in terms of nutrients and micro-nutrients. It was developed by Dr Kousmine and Dr Budwig in the 50’s.

The Kousmine-Budwig Cream

Ingredients (choose organics)

Optimized by PS

I have made several modifications to the original recipe to incorporate new dietary recommendations.

The low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese or yogurt has been replaced by soybean yogurt. This is to avoid industrial dairy products which are nowadays full of saturated fat and other shit. It also avoids lactose. Make sure the soybean is organic.

Walnut oil instead of flaxseed oil or rapeseed oil (canola oil). Why? Because flaxseed oil has huge amounts of omega-3 and too much omega-3 can lead to immuno-depression. Also, rapeseed oil, even in the fridge, can rapidly oxydize and become toxic. So, leave it to sewing machines. As for rapeseed oil, it contains a  toxic component (eruric acid) even in the latest cultivars. So leave it to bio-diesel.

Chia (Salvia hispanica) seeds is super food in term of nutritional value.

Sprouted quinoa and buckwheat are loaded with micronutrients including vitamins. Use fresh, or stored a few days in the frige, or a few weeks in the freezer.

Make sure to prepare it fresh. Ground seeds will rapidly oxydize and lose important nutrition value. Also, keep your walnut oil in the fridge to prevent oxydation of omega-3.

Make sure all is organic. If you replace bad industrial food, make sure your oils and fruits are not loaded with pesticides.

Try to avoid GMO. Being GMO is not bad in itself. It is because it allows the use of the Glyphosate herbicid, which is now known to be poisonous to animals.

What they mainly provide