Eloge de la Douceur dans la Course et dans la Vie

Eloge de la Douceur

dans la Course et dans la Vie

Soyez gentils avec vous et avec les autres

La vie est assez dure comme ça pour en rajouter une couche. Je vous propose donc une philosophie de construction de soi, basée sur une approche DOUCE de la course à pied, afin d’être plus fort, plus joyeux et en meilleure santé. Ensuite, vous pourrez transposer cet “hédonisme ascétique” dans d’autres domaines de votre vie afin de contribuer humblement à rendre ce monde meilleur.

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Besides Gentle Running, you have Gentle Living…

Check the links, they are in constant evolution

Gentle Lyfestyle

When you expect from others, you are bound to disappointment. Whereas when you give, there is no way to be disappointed. It may sound selfish but the surest way to be solidly happy is Altruism. Also, it fits with our evolution history as humans have evolved as cooperative animals. Here are some suggestions to help others.

Using every day more resources when you live in a finite world is abysmally stupid. A 5-year old child can come to this conclusion. Yet, this is how most of us function nowadays. It is never to late to re-think our lifestyle. And even the tiniest change in your daily routine can help. Here are some suggestions.

Helping Others - Sparing the Planet

Yoga and Qi Gong basically work on the same principle: Balancing the vital energy (Qi or Chi for Chinese, or Prana for Indians) between the body and the mind. People use to say that Qi Gong is more for boys and Yoga for girls. I prefer Yoga and my wife Qi Gong. So I think either it does matter or it is more related to your inner gender. Plus Yoga is a wonderful stretching complement to running.

Meditation has recently been shown (by Western hard science) to produce brutal changes in the way your brain works and how it can be physically modified. Basically, you can train for Happiness. That is good news in a world full of not-so-happy events. And it is as easy to practice as brushing your teeth.

Yoga - Qi Gong - Meditation

Cooking is a wonderful way of giving and sharing. Mixing traditional recipes with recent nutritional facts, I enjoy using this act of love to maximize pleasure, health and gentleness to Earth.

Eating is the first pleasure of all animals, especially humans. How and what we eat has a direct effect on our physical and mental health, and it’s your fuel for running.

Hard science has recently shown that intermitent fasting is a powerful means to increase the efficacy and decrease the adverse effects of anti-cancer treatments. It is also a powerful means to boost your stem cells and thus get younger. And it is the best way to get a healthy metabolism and re-discover the amazing resources and adaptability of your body and the sacredness of food.

Cooking - Eating - Fasting