Eloge de la Douceur dans la Course et dans la Vie

Eloge de la Douceur

dans la Course et dans la Vie

Soyez gentils avec vous et avec les autres

La vie est assez dure comme ça pour en rajouter une couche. Je vous propose donc une philosophie de construction de soi, basée sur une approche DOUCE de la course à pied, afin d’être plus fort, plus joyeux et en meilleure santé. Ensuite, vous pourrez transposer cet “hédonisme ascétique” dans d’autres domaines de votre vie afin de contribuer humblement à rendre ce monde meilleur.

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First thing: Barefoot Running is the Ultimate Gentle Running Technique

The Gentle Guide to become a Barefoot  Runner

Running barefoot is the best way to improve your running style !

To learn Natural Running, nothing compares to true Barefoot Running on roads or tracks, since you have to have the perfect stride. If you do anything a tad wrong, you feel it immediately.

So you can practice true barefoot running, carefully inserted into your shod Natural Running sessions.

You can run on smooth terrain, such as sand or grass. It is nice but useless to learn good-form running because your feet get no feedback from the ground. Only a hard surface such as smooth roads or race tracks can make your feet learn the good-form because you will have the maximum feedback at each strike.

That is why hard surface is the best teacher, once again if you allow yourself to progress slowly.

But remember, your sole skin is not made of Vibram.

Here again, Too much + too early = injury !!!

Once you get hurt, your progression is stopped. So, at the beginning, resist to run those extra 5 minutes because you just cannot stop now, because it feels so good….

True barefoot is also very good to correct foot problems. Flat feet will re-learn to grasp the ground, and the sole arch will correct itself as it sends messages to rest of the body. So unless you have a genuine malformation, you can forget about pronation and supination marketing.

Obviously, we all have this image of weirdos running barefoot and/or naked, just to show off.

They run on all sorts of things and end up injured most of the time.

Barefoot Running is not that at all !

Barefoot Running is all about being gentle.

…... To be continued