Gentle Running and Living

by Dr Patrick Salmon, PharmD, PhD

Member of the Barefoot Runners Society

Founding Member of the Tarahumara Spirit   

Be gentle

to yourself

and others!

“Life is hard enough to add extra suffering to it”. We propose here a way to build a stronger, healthier and happier self through gentle running. Then, this “ascetic hedonism” can be translated into several aspects of life, to humbly contribute to a better world.

Besides Gentle Running, you have Gentle Cooking…

Check the links, they are in constant evolution

Gentle Recipes

Ultimate recovery after an Ultra Trail. Recipe here.

Salmon - Pineapple - Coconut - Rice - Green Tea

All your body needs in one breakfast. Check my recipe.

Budwig - Kousmine Cream

Best dish on Earth. Recipe here.


A perfect meal for ultra race training. Click here.

Black beans à la Barefoot Pat

In English or in French

You can also check the

Cookbook of Scott Jurek

Protéines, lipides, glucides, et un goût délicieux à la fois connu et exotique.

Click here.

Velouté de Pois cassés et lait d’amandes

Un super site si vous êtes curieux à propos du Végétalisme

Super aliments végétaux

Les 15 Végétaux les plus riches en protéines

18 Nutrient-Rich Power Foods

8 Healthy Recipes to Fuel Your Summer Fun